Tips for Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Gums Between Dental Visits

A diet low in sugar and rich in crunchy fruits, vegetables, and dairy supports oral health by preventing enamel erosion, cavities, and aiding in natural teeth cleaning and mineral restoration.

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums supports a person's overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups are crucial, but taking care of oral health between visits to the dentist is equally important. Here are some tips to help maintain optimal dental health and prevent issues before they develop into serious problems.


Proper brushing technique plays a foundational role in oral hygiene. Dentists recommend people brush their teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. The correct method involves gentle circles that massage the gums while cleaning the teeth rather than aggressive back-and-forth strokes, which can harm the gums and enamel. Attention should be paid to all surfaces of each tooth, including the hard-to-reach back teeth.


Flossing daily is another critical practice for maintaining oral health. It removes plaque and dislodges food particles a toothbrush cannot reach between the teeth and under the gum line. For best results, use a slow and gentle sawing motion to bring the floss from the top down to the base of each tooth.


Using an antiseptic mouthwash can also enhance oral hygiene. As a liquid, mouthwash can penetrate areas not easily accessed by a toothbrush or floss. Besides reducing the risk of gum disease, it also decreases the speed at which tartar develops. Some formulations contain ingredients that strengthen enamel and reduce tooth decay.

Eat right

A person's diet significantly impacts oral health. Minimizing sugary snacks and beverages is beneficial, as harmful acids formed by sugar can attack tooth enamel, which leads to cavities. Avoid sugary foods and include plenty of crunchy fruits and vegetables instead. They help clean teeth naturally. Additionally, dairy products high in calcium and phosphates can help rebuild minerals on teeth that other foods might have removed.

Drink water

Staying hydrated is also beneficial. Water helps wash away food particles and improves saliva levels. Saliva is necessary for fighting bacteria, protecting against tooth decay, and preventing dry mouth, which can lead to faster tooth decay.

New toothbrush

Replace toothbrushes every three months or as needed if the bristles are frayed for effective cleaning. A worn-out toothbrush does not effectively remove plaque from teeth and gums. Additionally, replacing the toothbrush can help avoid reintroducing old bacteria into the mouth after an illness such as a cold or flu.

Chew sugar-free gum

Chewing sugar-free gum after eating can also be beneficial when tooth brushing isn't an option. Chewing gum increases saliva production, helping to neutralize acid and wash away food particles. Gum containing xylitol is especially beneficial, as it can reduce bacteria that cause decay and gum disease.

Avoid tobacco

Avoiding the use of tobacco products contributes to healthier gums and teeth. Tobacco can cause tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss, and more severe medical problems such as cancer. Quitting tobacco use can reduce these risks and improve overall oral health.

Be aware of changes

Understanding the signs of dental health issues such as persistent bad breath, loose teeth, receding gums, or temperature sensitivity can help catch problems early. If any of these symptoms occur, visiting a dentist as soon as possible is advisable.

See your dentist

Remember, maintaining oral health between dental visits requires a holistic approach that includes proper daily care, dietary choices, and lifestyle habits. Commitment to a comprehensive oral hygiene routine will contribute to a healthier mouth and body overall. Following these practices will also make dental check-ups more pleasant and less likely to result in painful treatments or interventions.

If you need a gentle, caring dental team, please call Jennifer Fineberg’s office at (623) 362-2550. We’ll give you the very best dental care we can!


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